Support Us

Only a third of Wellington MS's costs each year are covered by government funding, which we receive via agencies like Te Whatu Ora and Whaikaha.

We work to raise the remainder by making applications to Trusts and Funds and through fundraising. We also receive generous bequests and donations to support our work. You can find out more about making a donation or bequest by clicking this link.

There are many ways that you can help to support the vital work that Wellington MS does. Together we make a huge difference to the life of someone with MS.

All the support we receive goes towards supporting our three great Community Advisors who provide services and support to people with Multiple Sclerosis and their families in the Wellington region, or towards specific projects or initiatives.

Every dollar we receive makes a difference! Donations are eligible for a tax deduction, so please ask for a receipt if you require one.

Fundraise for Wellington MS

Do you have a great idea to raise funds for Wellington MS?

We would love to support your efforts and the proceeds will go towards providing services throughout the greater Wellington. If you want to earmark the funds for a particular project or area that's fine too.

We can support your effort by providing bibs, buckets, banners and promoting the fundraiser in our newsletter.

Some of recent fundraisers have included Cosplay, a bake sale and a movie night.

Get in touch, we are very grateful to all the people and groups who raise funds on our behalf.

Cosplay fun-draising for MS Wellington

Cosplay fun-draising for MS Wellington

Refreshments and raffles at an MSW movie night

Refreshments and raffles at an MSW movie night

Our Generous Funders

Our sincere thanks to the following Trusts or organisations who generously provide funding towards the work that we do all around Greater Wellington, which enables people with MS to live their best lives. They are:



  • A generous bequest from the Estate of Alan Kemp
  • The Jack Jeff's Charitable Trust
  • A generous gift from the estate of former WMS President Duilia Rendall
  • Professor Anne La Flamme
  • Trikn Tours - Brett Lindsay
  • Mike Upton
  • Jocelyn Fagerstrom
  • Brooklyn Cellarroom
  • Nikau Foundation, from the Henry and Eileen Wise Medical Trust



  • The Keown Family, in loving memory of Janette Keown
  • Blue Star Petone
  • The Cellar Room Brooklyn
  • Jocelyn FagerstromThe Eastern & Central Community Trust
  • Nikau Foundation, from the Henry and Eileen Wise Medical Trust
  • Kapiti Coast District Council Community Grant
  • The Jack Jeff's Charitable Trust
  • COGS Whitireia
  • COGS Wellington City
  • COGS Hutt Valley
  • COGS Wairarapa
  • T G Macarthy Charitable Trust
  • Upper Hutt City Council
  • NZ Lottery Grants
  • Pub Charity Ltd
  • Eastern & Central Community Trust
  • Blue Star (Petone).

We would also like to acknowledge the Keown family who made a generous $15,000 on behalf of much loved and greatly missed family member, Janette Keown.


  • CH Izard Bequest
  • COGS - Heretaunga
  • COGS - Hutt Valley
  • COGS - Wairarapa
  • COGS - Wellington City
  • COGS - Whitireia 
  • COVID 19 Community Wellbeing Fund (Lottery Grants Board)
  • Eastern & Central Community Trust
  • Four Winds Foundation
  • Kapiti City District Council Community Grant
  • Lotteries Covid 19 Care in the Community Fund
  • NZ Lottery Grants Board Community Fund 
  • Pub Charities Ltd
  • The Hutt Mana Charitable Trust
  • The Jack Jeff's Charitable Trust
  • The Thomas George Macarthy Trust
  • Trust House Foundation
  • Upper Hutt City Council
  • Walter & Rana Norwood Trust

We thank you for your ongoing support.

Show your Support With An Entertainment Membership

We are fundraising with Entertainment

Did you know you can support us bu purchasing an Entertainment Membership, and enjoy lots of great savings and discounts at local cafes, restaurants and other entertainment businesses.

Each Entertainment Membership bought gives a 20 per cent donation (at least $14 per membership) to our Society. Help us, help people with MS.

Share this link with your Friends and Family and Whānau. Thanks for your support!

Volunteer for Wellington MS

WMS could not operate without the support of volunteers. All our committee members are volunteers and we have others who support various projects and activities by giving their time and skills. Our grateful thanks to all the volunteers past, present and future who have helped us to empower people with MS in the greater Wellington region to live their best lives.

If you are interested in volunteering for WMS please send an email outlining what you would like to do (and where, if relevant) to your community advisor or

If you have skills to share and are interested in joining the committee as a volunteer then please email