Our 2024 Annual General Meeting

The Wellington Multiple Sclerosis Society held its 60th Annual General Meeting (AGM) at 10am on Saturday 18 May at Upper Hutt Cossie Club.

Around 20 members attended to learn about the Committee’s progress during 2023 and to complete important tasks such as review the minutes from the previous AGM, ratify the accounts, confirm the reappointment of existing Committee Members and appoint new ones.

The three existing Committee Members, Steve McCloskey, Ross Judge (Treasurer) and Alarna Sharratt were all reappointed and Steve McCloskey was appointed as the new President. Two new Committee Members were also appointed: Paul Gruschow and Nicky Louis.

This year’s Andy Woodside Memorial Award was made to Rachelle McIntyre, a Wairarapa client who has realised a long-standing dream of becoming a published author by writing a children's book, 'Mrs M'. You can read more about Rachelle here.

Our wonderful Patron Anne La Flamme again came to tell WMS members about the amazing work she, her team and other researchers are doing in the fight against MS.

If you are interested in finding out more about or joining the Committee please email steve@mswellington.org.nz.

AGM Papers

The committee papers presented at the AGM meeting are available below.

  1. WMS AGM 2024 Agenda
  2. Minutes of the 59th AGM and any matters arising
  3. Committee Report
  4. Treasurer’s Report and the Statement of Income and Expenditure
  5. Operations Report.