Can You raise Awareness or Funds for WMS?

We love it when the WMS community put their thinking caps on and come up with amazing ways to raise funds to help support the amazing mahi we do.

Past events have included bake sales, movie nights and one committed fundraiser even found sponsorships to chop her pigtails off!

MS Awareness Day Thursday 30 May 2024

We'd really like to get some community activities going to promote MS Awareness Day on Thursday 30 May.

We will be hosting a Quiz night at Speights Alehouse Petone that night. We're just starting our planning but will let you know more details soon.

With your help we can mark this important day. We would dearly love to hear about lots of events happening out in the community so please get in touch.

MS Awareness Week 9 - 15 September 2024

This is our big campaign each year so please pop the date in your diary. We've already started laying the ground work for another supermarket and street campaign and know we can count on your support.

Supporting your Fundraisers for WMS

Whether you're keen to organise a coffee morning, dye your hair MS orange for sponsorship or something else we would love your help to fundraise and will support you as much as we can.

If you choose to fundraise for us at any time we're able to support you by letting our community know via

  • the newsletter, website and Facebook,
  • providing banners and other resources and
  • perhaps spending some time lending a hand on the day if we can.

We also love to share photos of your events after they've happened.

 If you've got some fundraising to tell us about please let your community advisor know or email .